Monday, March 2, 2009

True Swag.

I'm Back on this blogging mess, here is a welcome back vid of a man with TRUE swag, Sammy Davis Jr. Enjoi

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Greatest Rapper Alive?

I like Lil Wayne, but he's not the greatest rapper alive...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Dark Knight was a legit flick, and Heath Ledger took acting to a new level.
If you want to watch it again like I did here's the link for you.

Fuck Arthur J. Cooperman

And if you're black and you don't know who he is STOP reading, and
go educate yourself please.

We want a black president, but we choose to ignore issues of clear injustice?

Maybe because a majority of us don't go beyond the headlines, or beyond the news briefs..


Who is in control of newspapers and major news media outlets?
I know you know..

I pledge allegiance to the highest truth, not "their" truth.


Rest In Peace -

Sean Bell
Armadou Diallo
Ousmane Zongo


diamond |ˈdī(ə)mənd|


1 a precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance.


When pain falls like rain,

Let it come

Every stinging drop

I will catch them

Turn the pain into dreams,

The dreams into diamonds


Diamonds for my daughters

Diamonds for my sons


In the end what do I have?

What can I give other then myself?


So let discomfort fall from the sky of life

I welcome it

Because when it ends, and I’m still standing

I will have more diamonds for my family.

Black People – Stolen people to work stolen land.


I pledge allegiance to the highest truth…


On his new album (“The Greatest Story Ever Told”) David Banner said that our generation is full of cowards, and in more ways then one he is right. I'm not afraid to say what I feel, these are my words, and words will always retain their power.  This blog is my way of expressing how I feel about the world around me. Read carefully or don’t read at all, hopefully my words will make you THINK; that’s all I want.


Welcome to “Diamonds & Dreams”…




Ha Ha yea I said it.